Friday, June 27, 2008


Hello. I have deliberately not been posting because I'm working on a manuscript and other personal writing most of the time, and I'm really trying to stick with it. Right now, my computers, and the internet in general, are giant distractions, sometimes good, mostly BA-AD. I don't think anyone really gives a shit about my personal crap, and when I post any of it I feel like an idiot, and sometimes I'm not sure if anyone other than bored, gossipy cunts are reading this shit. I have another really long version of this post, but it's really fucking angry and probably a little too honest. I think if I do post it I'll have to sit on it for a little while so I don't say anything I'll regret and feel obligated to edit/soften later. I don't know how shit is going to go down here on the blog while I'm on this roll, but I haven't read a whole lot worth commenting on or passing along lately. I'm a little tired of reading (and repeating) the same crap over and over again, and I don't like feeling lazy in posting that same shit with no fresh perspective. I'm just so sick and tired of the direction that the national discourse is flowing right now, even by those claiming to be independent of the MSM. It's as if the administration/GOP and their corporate media keep throwing Chuck-E-Cheese tokens in one confined area of a giant a free-for-all fountain, and many bloggers/columnists are clamoring for those coins, the ones that will give them a short-term worthless reward, even though there are already piles of gold coins lined all along the bottom, which they’d find if they’d just do a little dispersing and digging. Sometimes it seems as though there are some folks simply auditioning for Olbermann or trying to impress other like-minded bloggers - displaying disingenuous fervor at best, condescending, cutesy supposed irony in it's worst form. At first, I thought that maybe they forgot that the overwhelming majority of the country isn't regularly reading any blog, let alone their blog. I've realized many really couldn’t care less so long as their blinded, biased fans and other lazy media stick with them and write cute comments in praise. They're just content with continuously blowing one another. That makes me sad, hence, part of the reason why I feel a little disillusioned with the "progressive" blog movement. Again, I guess I'm back where I was in the fall, as long as many of those perceived as defenders of truth and voices of reason are constantly involved in one big circle jerk, there will always be an arrogant ulterior motive to the absolute truth, and that pisses me off. There are lots of dangling carrots out there, sometimes it takes a predatory carnivore amongst the vegans to say no to the carrot and go for the sacred cow.

Seder & Maron, Rollins, Garofalo, Cenk, Cesca, Aravosis & Sudbay, Sharpling, (Jesse) Thorn, Sullivan, and Blieden, in my perfect world, need get together and produce a podcasting, truly independent, radio station/webcast. I’d never need to listen to (or watch) anything else. I know I’m forgetting other quality alternates, this list is just off the top of my head. If I had millions of dollars I know I’d invest in it! A girl can dream, right?

Thank the universe for those with integrity and the right kind of eyes, I’d go fucking crazy without them.

What does make me happy is new music, I just downloaded (I completely forgot about it) the newest, FREE, NIN album and I fucking love it. That makes me very happy.

UPDATE: Just for the record this back and forth has nothing to do with this post, I wrote this three days ago and the first (more harsh one) was started last Sunday. I respect both of those guys, and there is almost nothing better than a geek fight, but I wasn't writing specifically about FISA, which will be clear if/when I do put up the other post. For the record, I think they're both, mostly, wrong.

Now playing: Nine Inch Nails - Demon Seed
via FoxyTunes

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