Wednesday, September 10, 2008


And you can bet that the reason why they're spending so much time and energy painting Palin as a victim this week is so when she does the puff piece with Gibson and shows emotion regarding her oldest son's service, everyone will rush to give a heartbroken mother (no snark, there) a tissue. And Obama will look like the big bad wolf. That's why this special comment was so important. Gross, just gross.
Late note: Why the fuck are the cable crap channels showing Palin arriving home in Alaska like she's the fucking President? This is getting more ridiculous by the second. You know something is seriously wrong when Matt Damon explaining his fear about Palin captures my attention (while I'm sure Damon is a smart and nice enough guy, I can hardly say I give a shit about his opinion on political matters, although he's pretty funny here).

Now playing: Stranglers - Nice 'N' Sleazy
via FoxyTunes