Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lying Liars

They're lying again. I concur with Aravosis, as has been shown many times over the past several months, there are clearly two separate standards of scrutiny by the media for the candidates and their wives. Can you imagine if Michelle had claimed to have personally been called upon by Mother Teresa and it wasn't true?

Jesus, man, I think this really is the entire core of their strategy, same old shit, they're just really bad at it in this modern accessible information age. They simply keep putting out blatant lies, not just the negative misrepresentations about the Obamas, but utter bullshit that reflects a positive light on the McCains. Hey, if their research team didn't find the truth on the internet in a 3 page google search, who gives a shit, print it. And if it's publicly proven to be based on falsehoods, just claim it was an honest mistake by the witty (I don't get that claim AT ALL), lovable old jerk - did you know he was a POW? - McCain, certainly not Saint Cindy. Or just blame some stupid lowly intern, who is probably an Obama plant anyway (somehow this has to be Obama's fault), definitely not his giant campaign team spreading a deliberate lie, again, knowing that the facts will only make it to some of those that believed the lie. (via Aravosis)

(side note: I love that as I was doing a search to double-check exactly which painkillers Cindy McCain was addicted to, google suggested I meant to type "adopted" instead of "addicted".)

Now playing: Shawn Colvin - Shotgun Down The Avalanche
via FoxyTunes

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