Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Assholes of the Week

Haven't done this for awhile, so it's a three-fer. Sorry for light posting, I'm really busy trying to get this house ready to show, and trying to figure out how to deal with an annoying pest. Soon.

3. Ted Stevens: I don't think Mr. Bridge to Nowhere-Series of Tubes needs much explanation.

2. Jon Voight: What a complete douchebag wingnut. No wonder his daughter is so militant. I've never been a fan of her work, but figured she must be a decent chick when she was reportedly spotted wearing a CRASS patch a few years back. Her Dad, not so much. (via Cesca)

1. Monica Goodling: While Olbermann's version of her LexisNexis search is so funny I heartily laughed aloud both times I heard/saw it, this is just another excruciatingly embarrassing low point for our country. I can't wait to see where this piece of shit ends up. (via DKos)
She's #1:

Now playing: The Presets - Yippiyo-Ay
via FoxyTunes

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