Thursday, January 16, 2025

He was a favorite and inspirational human to me throughout my life. His art always seemed to come in and out of it when I needed it most. This is another one I'll never get over.  David Lynch, thank you for always just being who you are in a world of people who live in hiding or disguise.

Lovely words from Kyle "Kale" MacLachlan.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

 I hope I live long enough to see the Nazis finally fall.

Friday, November 1, 2024

 When people ask why has Palestine become the number one issue, or "the only issue" that matters, show them this. First, anyone watching what has been happening over the past few years knew this was inevitable, Israel/Netanyahu was going to start this assault on Gaza and Lebanon no matter what, this was all predictable and preventable if the US and gave a single shit about human rights and international law.  Their leaders and law makers have been exposed on that world stage for all to see for the blatant hypocrites and psychopaths they are in the largest and most impeachable ways possible. Secondly, it's shown that all of our global issues are all connected by imperialism and capitalism, two things that only the people can change. It's all out there now, to ignore it is to be complicit.  Don't be complicit, we all suffer the consequences of your silence.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

 Was the plan from the beginning, anyone paying attention knew immediately knew where this was going. Biden could have stopped it, instead he and his administration encouraged and facilitated it from the very beginning. Americans from all over the country, left, right, and center (well maybe not so much the "center") have been saying for a year that they don't want any of this. The military/prison industrial complex laughs at us, "We don't give a shit what you want, shut up, don't resist, you're powerless. We have all the tools, we have all the weapons. Just as we always have, we'll take the money your countrymen so desperately needs, use it to villainize, then kill children, Muslims and Arabs, journalists, peacekeepers, whoever gets in the way, occupies space we claim as ours and then demand more. A lot more. There is no effective course of action to stop us. And if you take to the streets we'll lock you up, you'll lose your job/scholarship, and you'll have a record so you'll now be locked into the criminal justice system, which we also control. If you are a peaceful movement we will make sure agitators and law enforcement change that perception. We'll make you and peace the enemy. Give up. Get back to work. Just vote. You'll feel better when you do, you'll feel like you're doing something. No matter who wins you'll have an enemy to keep you warm, and we'll keep taking your money to create more conflict so as to maintain ownership of you and your money. Or else. It's your choice. Don't make us come for you and yours."
This is corporate/oligarchy driven fascism and nothing that happens in November will change the course we're on. Only we can do that. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

 I have a feeling this might be what gets me nuked from FB. They've been threatening to take down my posts a lot lately, sometimes several times a day, for the most benign posts. Not so much for the rant, well, maybe, but that coupled with the video.  So I'm posting it here:

And a USAG run govt department (read: health ministry) would be the one to report injuries and casualties to the world. Every international law broken puts us all in danger. We are only one nation, why would we want to continuously put a target on our own backs unless we're forcing everyone to accept the rules don't apply to the US? Or unless the destabilization/destruction + lucrative never-ending defense and large-scale construction projects, regardless of where the destruction and reconstruction is done, is the point. For reference, look at Iraq. Seriously, look at the amount of insane amount rebuilding that many of the same contractors/companies that were related or directly responsible for carrying out the destruction there made off of the reconstruction of the cities in Iraq. It's not just the oil and resources, it's the reconstruction of entire regions we destroy. We allow war machine companies to steal exponentially increasing desperately needed public funds every year from us by funneling it through the military industrial complex. It's what where most of our money goes, it isn't just to rip apart, pulverize babies and entire families, it's to destroy entire infrastructures so those same contractors can come back in and rebuild it. They don't even need to worry about accounting for where the money goes, they can launder as much as they like, because we fail our own audit every year, just trillions, unaccounted for, and no one does anything about it. They'll just extort more money from us next year. If we dare to protest this theft, our own lives and livelihoods are threatened with that same cycle of destabilization, deconstruction, then reconstruction through fear of "the other" and/or our own govt/institutions weaponized against us. This is not propaganda or hyperbole, it's the basis of our entire international and domestic policy, enthusiastically rubber stamped by both parties. Whenever we get together to demand they stop murdering innocent people and razing entire regions with our stolen money, they turn the target back at us through threats, intimidation, public spectacles, targeted smear campaigns, violence and jail. THAT is why many of us cannot understand for the life of us, why people refuse to recognize that our awful, greedy, power grabbing foreign and domestic policy puts us all in danger. It isn't just the "far left" (which is just the actual left), even some normies have been saying it for, at the very least, the last 23 yrs. Or at least they used to before they decided "stopping" this very specific project with a year attached to it -- even though it's been ongoing since Reagan and the supposed opposition has done more to progress it than stop it -- and "girl bossing", was more important, I guess.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2024